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山村老屋 - 密室逃脱类灵异鬼屋解谜游戏

4.6 ( 6736 ratings )
ألعاب الترفيه الممرات لغز
المطور: Shenzhen Mars Network Co.,Ltd

In the middle of the night, the shabby and dark old house always has a weird cry, when someone approached the old house, always feel a gust of wind hit, the body can not help fluttering chicken skin. I do not know when, the red moon high hanging, the old house Windows faintly red light, always feel the crows on the tree staring at people, at any time to fly down the same. I broke open the chain to enter the door, I want to unlock the dusty in the old house forgotten history and truth, but do not know that terror will follow.....